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Shorte.st Review – Shorten urls and earn money $5000

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Review of: Shorte.st

Reviewed by:
On August 2, 2016
Last modified:August 2, 2016


If you are looking for an easy way to earn money from the internet. Shorte.st is the best way to earn $5000. Here, read a details review of Shorte.st.

One can make money easily using the internet as there are literally thousands of different methods available on the internet. You can follow these methods and make money easily. But as there is a lot of competition around, it can become really difficult to make huge sums of money. As we all know that there are links present on every website, one can monetize those links and make money out of these links.

You might have heard about link shortener which helps one in shortening the long URL and making it compact. Shorte.st is one of the best link shortener which will not only help you in shortening the link but also making money out of the shorten URL.


You can shorten the URL and make money easily using Shorte.st. You can share the shorten links on different social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook or simply use them on your website. As soon as the reader of your website click the shorten URL, you will get paid for that click.

To know more about Shorte.st and how you can make money with short URL, you can have a look at our review below.

What is Shorte.st?

Shorte.st is a link shortener which is connected with different advertisements networks. You can easily shorten URLs and earn money with this website. All you need is a single click on the shorten URL which will get you some bucks in your account.


You will find many link shortener on the internet but there is the difference between shorte.st and other shorteners. Shorte.st is the only reliable link shortening service which is going to help you in making real money.

Features of Shorte.st

You can use Shorte.st to shorten URLs and earn money. The service will provide you a unique style of advertisement. The advertisements will be viewed for 5 seconds after which the user will be redirected to the source URL. This means that you can not only shorten the URL’s but also make a good amount of money using this tool.

shorten URLs and earn money

The CPM rates of Shote.st are high and you will also get global coverage. This means that you will be able to make money with short URL easily.

make money with short URL

The interface of Shorte.st is user-friendly. Even if you are a beginner you can use this tool easily as it comes with user-friendly interface. There are many tools available in Shorte.st which can be used to shorten URLs and earn money.

All the users get 20% commission on all the referrals generated. The commission which you are going to get on referrals are lifetime commissions. You can refer to your friends one time and get the commission lifetime.

Referral program of Shorte.st

The rates are per 1000 views on Shorte.st. The rates are based on different countries and range in between $0.3 – $1.6.

Monetization Tools

You can use a wide range of monetization tools to shorten URLs and earn money using Shorte.st. These tools will help you in increasing your earnings. You can have a look at the monetization tools provided by Shorte.st below.

Developers API

If you know little bit of coding then the developers API will help you a lot to make money with short URL. Developers API is for advanced users. You can place the script on your website and all the links which are present on your website will be shorten.

Full Page Script

All the external links which are present on your website will be monetized. It is very easy to use full page script as all you have to do is copy and paste. This will help you in making money even from the external links which are present on your website.

Social Share Widget

If you are having content which is loved by thousands of readers and is shared by millions of readers across the web then you can use the social share widget. All the views which are made by the links of social networking websites will get monetized using social share widget.

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Bounce Rate Monetization

This tool will help you in making money if your website is having high bounce rate. High bounce rate means higher earnings.

WordPress Plugin

All the WordPress website owners can enjoy the WordPress plugin of Shorte.st. Simply download and install the plugin on your WordPress website and you will be able to monetize the links easily which are present on your WordPress website.

Mass Shrinker

Shrink more than one link at a time using the mass shrinker. Using this tool you will be able to shrink up to 20 links at a time.

How to register using Shorte.st

To make money with short URL using Shorte.st you have to register for an account on Shorte.st. Follow the steps shared below and you will be able to register on Shorte.st.

  1. First of all, you have to open Shorte.st on your computer by clicking on this link. Once you have opened the website, you have to click on Join option which is located on the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. You will see a signup form on your computer screen. You have to fill the three fields asked here which are email address, confirm email address along with a password. Once you have entered all the details, accept the terms and conditions.
  3. Now you have to click on Register button. If you want to use your Facebook account, you have to click on the blue connect button. This will allow you to connect on Shorte.st using your Facebook account.

Once you have entered details in all the fields and clicked the register button you will get activation email on your registered email id. Open your email address, confirm your account and you will be able to use your Shorte.st account.

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This was our review of Shorte.st, one of the best link shortners to shorten urls and earn money. What are your views about this tool? Let us know using the comments section below.

Comments (1)

  • Great post! You should write a review of ExoBucks. Their system analyzes each visitor you send, detects which URL shortener will pay the most for that visitor and then sends them to it. That way you can automatically rotate which shorteners that visitors are sent to and earn the most for each of them.

    Plus, they have a great referral program that let’s you earn from 50+ URL shorteners (useful for affiliates).


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