I have many blogs, and I need to write content for them on a regular basis. Writing content doesn’t mean just to write and publish rather you need to write error-free content so that readers would love to read them on your blog.
To make your content error free and attractive, you need to write well and proofread it multiple times to make sure the errors are removed. But, manual proofreading sometimes may not enough because small mistakes go unnoticed.
There come online grammar checker tools into use that help you proofread your content, and fix the errors. They suggest sentence improvements as well which helps make the sentence more attractive and accurate.

Grammarly is one such online grammar checker tool that I have been using for quite some time, and I am really enjoying it. I have used both of its free and premium versions.
The free version is quite good at the basic level. You can check content by pasting or uploading it in its editor which you can see when you log on to www.grammarly.com.The editor looks as you can see in the below screenshot.
You can either paste or upload the content here to check for errors. I have written some text wrongly to test, and see what it displayed:
You can see that Grammarly identifies the errors easily.
If you want to write correct everywhere such as while posting acomment on Facebook, writing a tweet, or writing anything online, you can install Grammarly Chrome Extension.
After installing the extension, I opened my Twitter account, and wrote misspelled tweet, and you can see it marked the wrong word with a red underline. Now, when I put the cursor on that word, Grammarly showed the correct options to select.
Isn’t it great to have while writing anything online?
It saved me a lot of time from being embarrassed by detecting the mistakes while writing.
Though, the free version is great at a basic level, for advanced users like bloggers and professional writers I would recommend using the premium version of Grammarly because you get more features which not just correct your mistakes but gives you suggestions to improve your sentences as well.
The premium version offers plagiarism check feature as well which is a must for writers and bloggers.
Above all, I loved the Microsoft Word Add-on that Grammarly premium offers(available for free download but works only if you are a premium user). I love it because due to this add-on, Grammarly gets integrated with my favorite software for writing content. Yes, it integrates with MS-Word well that enables you to check the content for errors, improvements, and plagiarism right there in the MS-word where you write the content. No Hassle of uploading or pasting the content in the Grammarly editor. Right?
This is how Grammarly Tool shows within MS-Word when the add-on is installed on your Windows Computer.
Grammarly can be seen as a Menu Tab. Until you log in and Enable it, all of its features look deactivated. Click on log in, and enter the credentials. Once logged in, click on Enable Grammarly.
Once enabled, look at the above screenshot how it is showing the mistakes category-wise. In the menu bar, errors are categorized where the tool is showing how many errors are there in the content for specific segments such as Punctuation, Grammar, vocabulary, etc.
This way, you write the content in the MS-Word, enable Grammarly, it checks content for errors, fix them and your content is ready to publish.
Note: While Grammarly is enabled, Ctrl+Z feature doesn’t work in MS- Word. So, while writing the content keep it disabled for flexibility. Once thewritingis completed, enable it to find out the mistakes.
If you want to disable a particular check such as if you don’t want to check your content for punctuation, you can just click on that to deactivate the feature temporarily. This iswhat great about this online grammar checker tool that you can check your content for the types of error you want.
If you want to check your content for plagiarism, you can do that as well if you are using the premium version of Grammarly.
For example, I have pasted copied text in the doc. Now, see what it shows:
It detected that 30% of the content was copied line by line. It did mark the portion of text that is plagiarized, and at the right side, you can see where it is copied from or to which web page the content is matching line by line. However, you have to click on those Lens icons to see the source:
As per my experience with Grammarly, I can say that this the best online grammar checker tool available online.I have been using it for more thana year ago, and I have never faced any type of issues with it. It improved my writing style as well. Believeme; my punctuation mistakesare almost gone because of the learning I got while checking my articles using Grammarly.
Grammarly Pricing
Though it is not that costly, it may seem a little expensive for the newbies. But, Grammarly completely justifies the price it asks for its tool.
Above screenshot tells you everything about its pricing. I am sure if content really means a lot to your business, you won’t find the pricing costly. Annual Plan is the best one because you only spend $11.66/Month whereas if you take the monthly plan, you need to pay$29.95/Month, and for the Quarterly plan you need to pay$19.98/Month.
Wrapping Up
Grammarly is the best online grammar checker tool in my opinion. In fact, almost every user who has used it ever only talks good about it. I never found even a single person that speaks negatively about it because this tool is excellent and offers a full package of features that every blogger and writer needs.
Though Grammarly is a great tool, I would advise you to do at least two times manual proofreading after you take out all the errors using Grammarly because after all, it is a tool, and cannot think like a human. So, many times you may find out few mistakes that it cannot detect. Therefore, you must do manual proofreading as well even after checking with Grammarly. However, you will hardly find out many mistakes if the content is already checked by it.
Don’t wait to make mistakes and be embarrassed! Get Grammarly Today and write like Pro.